Jackson CPA Accounting & Financial, PLLC
Jackson CPA Accounting & Financial, PLLC
Meet Emmarie Jackson, your CPA!
Emmarie Jackson is a licensed CPA in the State of Texas. She has a foreign Bachelor's Accounting degree recognized by the University of Texas in Austin since 2009. Emmarie acquired her CPA license in 2010. She immediately jump-started her career in Real Estate Accounting and has nearly 2 decades of solid Accounting experience with both accrual (GAAP) and cash methods of accounting. Apart from that, Emmarie is also well versed with small business and tax consulting, and can assist you in getting prepared for tax season to get you on the right path to financial success.
Emmarie accepts both in-person and remote clients in service-based businesses, as well as real estate. Prior to her client-based practice, Emmarie managed her own business in the fine art industry, and found it difficult to juggle both operational, and administrative duties. So, she understands the importance of small business owners having to manage the operations and revenue producing activities for businesses to grow to their full potential.
Always getting you ahead of the game!